Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Today is Christmas Eve Day! The air is filled with anticipation. Moms and dads are working on the finishing touches of presents and treats or prepping for a turkey dinner tomorrow. Can you remember being a small child the day before Christmas? How you didn't know if you could stand the wait? The exciting possibility that some Jolly Old Elf would be sneaking into your house while your were sleeping and leaving presents? 

Now think back to your first day back to school after the summer holidays. New clothes laid out, brand new books and markers, pencils and pencil crayons all just waiting for that morning alarm to sound off. 

Jump ahead again - the day before your wedding day. The arrival of your first baby, or grand baby. 

Have you noticed you spend a life time waiting? I don't run into too many souls who have honed the fine art of patience. But it's a good virtue to work on. 

I'm actually pretty good at waiting. For me, today is the best day of the holidays. I love to savour the anticipation of what's ahead. I will get up early, before the rest of the house is stirring, turn on the christmas tree lights and hang with the dog in the silence. Waiting. Just waiting. Of course, it's much easier to wait for something you know, without a doubt, will happen! 

Christmas is a celebration that is acknowledged world wide. That's pretty significant! We celebrate with gift giving, good food and connecting with friends and family. Why? What is the foundation? Why it's the Christ Child's birth of course! A whole multitude of Angels announced his arrival "Glory to God in the Highest! And on Earth Peace and Good will to ALL men!" Jesus arrives wraps in a vulnerable form of a little babe so he can communicate with His creation His deep, relentless love. 
He's also good at waiting. He waits for us to call on Him, to ask for His help, to acknowledge His presence, to say Yes. He waits. 

He will spend a lifetime of waiting for you. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019


This weekend, on a very rainy day, I opted to stay inside and get ahead on Christmas wrapping. So I dragged out the essential equipment, turned on "A Child's Christmas in Wales" and got down to business. 

I had a little help too. Actually DandyLion is not very helpful, sometimes more on the hindering side, but he's always willing!
Pets, they are good company. They want to hang out with you, be present or if you prefer the latest buzz words "hold space" for you. 

I had a flu bug this week. After a night of tossing and turning on the high seas of nausea I dragged my weary butt to work. Bad idea, but it's just part of my ethic. I stayed long enough to cover a meeting and ensure another was up and running, then I headed home and crawled into bed. Soon enough, a little ball of warm fluff was tucked in beside me. 

So here's to those pets we love. The ones that meet you at the door, that hang out with you and beg for scraps, that help you with the gardening or the Christmas wrapping. When they are gone we grieve big, and rightly so. We should never feel the need to downplay the loss. We loved them, they loved us back; it's that simple. 

I didn't really need that ribbon, Dandy....my wrapping skills are embarrassing. You could probably do a better job - help yourself.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Yesterday, I did something I've never done before. I took my daughter to get her photo with Santa. Randi, Soren and I all piled into the big chair with the Jolly old Elf.  Now, don't judge me - I'm aware she is a Mom in her 30's but we just didn't make a big deal about Santa Claus when the kids were young! Besides, I'm pacing myself!

Cause there's a lot to do over the Christmas season and I want to enjoy the moments without feeling overwhelmed with all the chaos. 

I started my Christmas baking: Rumballs, cookies and Biscotti with Almond and Apricots.
Oh, there's more to do - but I'm pacing myself

Morrie and I jammed at a little soirĂ©e. Along with my cello, we had a couple of guitars, a stand-up base and a mandolin. 
I have a Christmas concert for my parents to attend and I'm playing in another this Friday, but I'm pacing myself...

I watched a couple of my favourite Christmas movies: A Christmas Carol (the original with Alistair Sims) and Elf!
There's a few more I want to fit in but, well, you know...

This evening we helped Randi and Dan decorate their tree. Soren is beyond adorable!

I can't get enough of him!

Forget this pacing thing - time to over indulge!

Sunday, November 17, 2019


It is my suspicion that everyone has a super power. You might already know what yours is, you may even have a few, but I believe  we all have at least one!

Now being "kind" is  a Great Super power and something we can all do. But do you know how powerful kindness is? It strengthens your immune system, gives you clarity, calmness and a heart full of love! Your super-powered kindness benefits those around you, creating a positive environment and spilling far beyond your act of kindness, whatever that may be.

Super powers can run in families! When you model kindness, you raise kind children. Both my kids are kind and generous hearted!

And just look at these two happy dudes! That my husband Sheldon, one of the most generous humans on earth with Andrew who is one of the Best Huggers on Earth. Both are super powered with Kindness. 

So, here's the point. We are heading into the Christmas season. My word, how crazy are the stores, the traffic and even our own families?? Can I encourage you be kind? Wait your turn patiently, hold the doors open, read your child and extra book at night. 

Today, Sheldon and I along with another couple dropped off a couple of totes full of food and Tim Horton's gift cards to a few homeless people who, believe it or not, are living in tents. Sheldon sent out the word and many of our friends generously helped us provide for them. It's cold out there people, Really. Cold. And we don't have a homeless shelter (though we are really close).

Now, more than ever, it's time to use your Super Power!!

Sunday, November 10, 2019


I had a birthday this past week. No major milestone, just another year marking the passing of time. I've reached my 56 year on this earth and it got me thinking of all the things I've stored away in my memory banks. 
This picture was taken in 1971 at Lake on the Mountain in Picton, apparently when jumpers were all the rage. I'm on the far left squinting horribly. And a few things have happened since then! 

For one thing technology has exploded. I remember returning to school after Christmas break. I was in Grade 10 at the time. The fella in front of me in Drama class (Chris Baker) had the strangest watch I had ever seen. It was digital! We went from a manual typewriter, to an electric one. You would be amazed how much clackety noise a classroom full of electric typewriters can make. Now here I am with a Laptop and an Apple watch! And Pong - I can't remember whose house I was at but somebody got an Atari for Christmas and we spent hours watching those two little lines ping that little white dot back and forth, back and forth. 

In the early 1980's Caesar Salads became popular. There was no dressing to be had in a jar, you had to make your own, which included a raw egg and lemon juice!

I remember when Pringles, Wunderbar and those miraculous things called "ATMs" showed up. 

And music - I went from little 45s to full on record albums, cassette tapes to CDs (I never went in for those 8-track tapes...). If I was trying to record a song on the radio, that meant racing into the living room and hitting the "record" button on the tape recorder if your song came the radio. 

I remember when Elvis died, waiting in line to watch the original Star Wars at the theatre, and a whole lotta hype around disco. 

Perhaps my memory banks are getting full. There's a lot in there and I suspect it may be getting selective about what it hands out, not to mention how long it takes to find it. 

But I think I'm OK. I can still sing word for word The Boys are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy (circa 1976). It's funny what you remember!

Saturday, November 2, 2019


The Golden Days of October have come to an end. I've closed the windows and turned on the furnace. But oh, those were glorious days! 

My bike is now tucked away for the winter in the shed but I managed a few beautiful rides before I said adieux!

One Sunday afternoon was perfect weather wise and I headed down to the trail along the waterfront.

You wouldn't know from this picture but this was a very busy spot at the time! 

Golden trees overhang my backyard and this beauty was showing off a bit.

Then, we had lots of rain and lots of wind resulting in, well, this:
Within 5 days, the golden tree was stripped bare and there was nothing left to do but rake up her coat of many colours.

November is now taking centre stage with her gray moodiness and the promise of snow; quite a contrast from the dazzling last couple of months! 

But the shovels and winter coats are within reach and I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The Golden days are over and now it's time to hunker down - we could be in for a snowy ride!

Monday, October 14, 2019


Some Canadians love winter - some don't. Some love summer or spring; others meh...too hot, too buggy. But I don't know one Canadian that doesn't like Fall. Not one. We have all fallen under Fall's spell. 

What's not to love? There is breath taking beauty all around and even more so because we know how fleeting it is. 

Comfort food is definitely on my menu and I rev up the kitchen now that it's not too hot to turn on the oven!

I made a Moroccan stew the other day. Rich in red lentils, sweet potato, turmeric and tomato. 

Squash is hard to ignore at the market so I picked up an acorn squash and stuffed it with wild rice, ground sausage, mushrooms, cauliflower and red pepper.

Notice how these pics just look like Fall? All those oranges, reds, browns and yellows!

I've been working on putting the garden to bed and as a Farewell gift, a couple of my rosebushes bloomed.
I clipped these off to enjoy them in the house.

There's also lots of fun events to take in around here, one being Porchfest.

You can walk around the neighbourhood and check out musicians playing a wide variety of music from rock to blue grass. Some gracious porch providers also hand out food like popcorn and cookies - even beer! It's kinda like Halloween for grownups. 

And of course, you have to take in a local orchard. Campbell's is our favourite and we have been going there for the past 30 years or so.

Speaking of falling in love....

The Little Prince loved the wagon ride and surveyed all the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch before extending the sceptre to the chosen winner. The caramel apples and fritter were a hit too!

Autumn is with us for such a brief time, a fleeting beauty that dazzles you with her colours, leaves a cool caress on your cheek and disappears. We've all fallen for you Fall!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I admit it, I'm not good at goodbyes 

The letting go

The giving up

There are reasons for this. One is, I'm tenacious by nature so I'm inclined to hold on vs. letting go! Another is I feel loss so deeply that I tend to try and avoid it. 

I know I'm not alone in this; many of you know what I'm talking about. Grief in the goodbye, the letting go, the giving up is no easy thing. And I'm not just talking about a loved one, like a parent or spouse. 

We grieve when we have to let things go, like our independence, or a job, a relationship, maybe a home and certainly a pet! And the deeper your connection or love quantifies the amount of grief you will feel. I'm a love big/grieve big type. 

Grief is complicated and individual; a convoluted mess of emotions from all that love you have inside but can't share, to anger, regret, melancholy. It's triggered in memories on rewind, good and bad, or a song or a scent. 

So if you are grieving, whatever you are grieving, I understand. I know it changes you, sometimes it changes everything. I also know you can continue to live a full life. Slowly, with time and some hard work the fog clears and you begin to carry on. 

With every ending, there is a new beginning. With the Grief in the Goodbye, there can be Hope in the Hello. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Mom, this one's for you! This past week we celebrated my Mother's 80th birthday. 80 years and looking fabulous!

Her birthday request was to celebrate in a Yurt and since she has never really asked for much in this life it's what we did.
It was a beautiful day with a hint of coolness and not a bad way to celebrate 80 years if you ask me.

We took a small hike in the woods and happily we all came back in one piece.

I like to think I've inherited a number of my Mom's great qualities: her graciousness, independent spirit and tenacity are a few. 
In fact, these have been passed down to my own daughter  as well. 

When my mom was still just a teenager she packed her bags and left her parents and brother in Kalamazoo, Michigan to move to Canada (talk about gutsy). 

In the little hamlet of Ameliasburgh, she met my Father. They married and my mom spent the next 10 years or so raising a family of 4. Eventually, she went back to full time work using her gentle spirit and creativity at a Daycare. She is a gifted artist and musician. It is my personal suspicion that my brother, a musical prodigy, inherited the knack from my Mom, even though my Dad's side is incredibly musical. She carries with her the painful grief that comes from losing a child, my sister Heidi, who died at 25 from cancer. 

Her life has not always been easy. Even to this day, living in chronic pain,  my Mom is not a complainer nor does she play the victim role. Heck, she wanted to take a hike in the woods for her 80th birthday!

Happy 80th Birthday Mom! Thanks for all you do and all you taught me. Much Love, Cyndi!!

Sunday, August 25, 2019


I posted a pic on Facebook of Sheldon hoisting our food up to distract the wildlife from the two humans sleeping in the tent. One of my friends asked if I was on 519 (as in camping site) and another said "519 reasons to NOT like camping?" 

So, with all due respect Rob, I know camping is not your bag, but I love camping and let me state my case! I'm not about to give you 519 reasons, but I can name a few! 

1) Camping mornings
Peaceful, calm, beautiful!

2) Camping Food!
What could be better than cooking over an open fire? Like these two slabs of fish??

3) A Good Camping Dog
This was a shocker. Lulu is a bit of lemon in the dog category. But she is the Best camping dog I've ever had! Great in the canoe, quiet, no trouble in the tent, doesn't wander from the campsite and looks pretty good when seated in a throne of Canadian Shield rock!

4) Playing Pass the Pigs
This here is a "Double Snouter" and worth 20 points. The only time we play "Pass the Pigs" is when we go camping. It's easy and small to pack in. You just roll the pigs and how they land will determine your points. But don't get too greedy...roll to many times you can lose all your points depending on how they land!

5) Canoeing
I love the schloop, schloop sound of the oars dipping into the water and spotting the loons on the lake!

6) The History
Generations upon generations have been coming here and making memories, including "Jax Dad". The first time we ever took the kids interior camping (Adrian 3 and Randi was 6), was to this very lake about 3 campsites away. 

I'm just getting started! I love everything being so manual and everything being so simple. I love afternoon naps in the tent. If the site is remote I love the clothing optional option! I love swimming! 

If Camping is not your thing, I get it (sorta). But it speaks to my earthy nature and I hope to keep on camping till I'm 92ish. 

Turn up the volume and enjoy the sound camping!

Sunday, August 18, 2019


I would guess that most of you reading this have been living in your own skin for some time now.

You probably have a set perception of who you think you are by now. As an introvert, I've spent my life internally assessing my actions/reactions. 

Even as a baby you can see the questioning in my eyes. 

Why am I here? Who are you? Who am I? Anybody got a cookie??

Recently I got a new dress so I thought I would try something new - a selfie like the kind I see on the internet!
This I found out - this is NOT me. 

So, who do you think YOU are?

When we were in Banff I was gawking out at the  morning view. The clouds were sweeping by  majestic mountain tops.

"Look at that!" I said to my son-in-law Dan. "Aren't those mountains incredible? I mean they are awe-inspiring."
"Mountains!" scoffed Dan. "Just look at me! That's just a big rock!" 

So I looked at him with his bed-head hair wearing a t-shirt and track pants and you know what, he was right. Humans are amazing creations that can think, create masterpieces, love, and overcome obstacles of all kinds! Let's see a big rock do that!

One morning as I was walking the dog, I came around the corner to see the most beautiful sunset. I mean it took my breath away. I whispered to God - Nice Work! and he whispered back "You are more beautiful to me than that sunrise." 

So, who do you think you are? Well my friend you are so much more. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


We humans. Such a curious lot: a conundrum of emotions, abilities, frailties and strengths. But there is one thing we have in common with all the other species we share this earth with and that's celebrating a good meal. 

"Come on kids!" roars the Lioness. "Dad and your Uncles are bringing home Gazelle for supper - gather round!"

My son and his wife were in town for a whirlwind visit from BC so I hit up the grocery store, prepped, and called la famiglia together to gather round the table.
Just-picked beans, corn on the cob, salads and pot roast were on the menu with fresh berries, tarts and flourless chocolate cake for dessert. 
Even the youngest Who in Whoville knows this is a celebration to be enjoyed!

But a celebration around food doesn't have to be a whole crowd; sometimes it's just two! After we saw the kids off at the airport, Sheldon and I spent the day in Niagara-on-the-Lake. 
Only two of us but still a celebration centered around a good meal. 

We made quick work of this cheese board at Zee's restaurant! 

So whether it's two or twenty, a gourmet affair, mac and cheese with weiners or gazelle, connect with your loved ones as you gather round the table. 

Friday, July 26, 2019


I'm back from my week at the cottage! I'm tanned, caught up on some reading, got numerous bug bites and swam, and swam and swam. 

But I also spent a lot of time doing nothing, nothing at all...just staring at the water and watching the clouds roll by. 

In that rare, languorous time I discovered the universe is always sending out insight when you sit long enough to listen.

First thing I noticed, Moms are always on duty - always. My daughter and Prince Soren were with us and she is in the thick of it. 

I watched this mom swim by with her gaggle of ducklings in tow; probably dropping them off at the sitters on her way to work.

Some treasures, like these blueberries, are small and well hidden. They are there, you just have to look for them. 

Sometimes, just go ahead and over indulge. Vacation time is a good time to do that! Or, if it's your birthday, stuff your face with cake. 

On the stillness of an early summer morning, the lake is like glass. But somewhere a fish leaps, or a loon dives, or I stick my toe into the water and swish it around. Ripples appear and begin to travel, spreading further and further out into the lake. The smallest act can radiate out and impact well beyond what you can imagine. Knowing this, I will try and make those impacts to be positive ones: a kind word, a prayer, an offer to help. 

Enjoy your holiday time if you have it - swim, read, indulge, be kind. And in the down time, listen. Just listen.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


I'm biking home from work. The air is hot and thick, like some large fire breathing dragon is huffing and puffing down on me. I stop at a busy intersection for the red light and I can hear the intro to AC/DC "Thunderstruck" playing full blast though the open window of the white pick up truck beside me. I try to behave but the jam takes over and I'm bopping my head to the guitar riff. I kinda hope the light stays red so I can enjoy the tune! 

The light changes; green means go! At the next intersection I stop again. Seems a good looking young lad in a car is checking me out. He's not. Beside me is a leggy blond with shorts shorter than mine on roller blades and born about 40 years after I landed on earth. The light changes and off we go, me on the bike, leggy blond in the short, short shorts on skates.

Still summer is when I got game! I thrive in it. 
I'm warm from fingers to toes
The sun comes out to play earlier and likes to hang out longer.

Every week seems there is a gift from the ground of fresh produce.

At a local farm stand there are local cherries. I have only $10 left of my allowance but I gladly spend $5 of it on some of these ruby red gems.

Strawberries took a while to get started but they are here now. I pop one in my mouth, warmed from the sun and juicy-sweet. It confirms what I've suspected for sometime; that there are strawberries in heaven and my sister Heidi is quite likely enjoying them. 

Dinners involve salads and fresh vegetables and at all costs, eaten outside.

Fireflies blink, blink in the twilight, playing their version of Marco-Polo! in the garden.
My Mini Cooper MiCi is warm and responsive. 

It's Summer time. It's a Green time and Green means go!