Monday, March 20, 2023


 There is a very, VERY fine balance between a good avocado and a not good avocado. I play a balancing act of timing and placement to score a good avocado. First, they start rock hard hanging out in the fruit bowl to mellow with the bananas. Then with careful little pokes to check on, I move them to the fridge at just the right time: still a little overly firm but on their way to “nailed it.”

This avocado was timed just right and was so good with a poached egg, salt, pepper, tomato and a sprinkling of cheese.

We all have struggles. This business called Life is not easy. It throws pain, anxiety, fear and other curveballs at us. Dreams slip through our hands. People, pets, even places we love get taken away and we grieve. Oh, what is harder than a broken heart? 

And yet, as we move from year to year, so many good things also come our way! 

In Genesis Chapter 1: 31 after 7 days of work creating the earth, God says: And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” He made the light, the dry land, the animals, the winged birds and after careful review of each, deemed them “Good.” It’s a Good Foundation we have!

The weather people tell us we in Ontario have experienced the darkest winter in 80 years. Apparently the sun snubbed us. But tomorrow is the first day of spring - just be persevering, you can find The Good.

In Psalm 23:6 “Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life.” Seems you can’t even escape it, Goodness is following you around, tailing you and showing up everywhere. And he brought a friend! Mercy! 

So, as I look around I find the Good there with me in the midst of it.

A Good Cup of Coffee

My Grandchildren
Canada is Very Good!
Not to mention my children and all my family, friends and experiences I’ve had over the years. 

Of course, it’s not always good, not always easy. But in the midst of my journey, I can find goodness hanging around. 

Tonight I’m going to see Jon Mayer in concert and I’m hoping he plays The Heart of Life (which by the way, SOMEBODY better play at my funeral). 

He knows: at the crux of it all, the Heart of Life is good.