Sunday, April 25, 2021


 In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, it’s nice to have some constants!      

Like Spring!

It shows up and boots winter out the door just like a mother. Mind you this past week winter had a little tantrum about that and took one last kick at the can

But we all knew the gig was up. Someday I HOPE I can say that about this Pandemic!

Revved up lawn mower engines can now be heard through open windows along with the bird songs.

The periwinkle is winking underneath my old pine tree and the daffodils are nodding to the sun.

The trees are getting fuzzy on the edges like a lockdown man’s unshaven face

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin! 

Sunday, April 4, 2021


 I’m honoured to introduce you to Evangeline Louise, my latest grandchild! 

She arrived a week early but healthy, strong and perfect. Born in the midst of a pandemic, it is an auspicious beginning and I wonder what is ahead as she begins her life journey. 

Little Angel here (that’s what I call her) is already growing and gaining weight. 

See those chubby little arms, and little belly? Getting bigger every day

Our hopes, dreams and plans all start somewhere. Many begin with just small thought, maybe even ignored. But they begin to grow, take shape and expand! Small beginnings can become the greatest, life changing experiences! 

When you walk into the house that you know is meant for you.
When you talk to the beautiful girl for the first time that will someday be your partner for life. 
When you plant these little tiny seeds and little sprouts arrive with the promise of flowers to come!

Jesus arrived on this earth a vulnerable baby, a very small beginning indeed. But his destiny and plan was to offer life and hope everlasting to the world. And when He hung on the cross and cried “It is Finished!” The earth quaked, the graves opened and the curtain separating man from God was torn from top to bottom. 

He offers us all a new beginning! A life not devoid of pain and suffering but one that promises He is there to carry us through it all and that He will be with us even to the very end. And when we die, we will start a new beginning again where He will wipe away every tear.

I wish you all a beautiful Easter and hope for the future of new beginnings, small or otherwise.