Saturday, November 2, 2019


The Golden Days of October have come to an end. I've closed the windows and turned on the furnace. But oh, those were glorious days! 

My bike is now tucked away for the winter in the shed but I managed a few beautiful rides before I said adieux!

One Sunday afternoon was perfect weather wise and I headed down to the trail along the waterfront.

You wouldn't know from this picture but this was a very busy spot at the time! 

Golden trees overhang my backyard and this beauty was showing off a bit.

Then, we had lots of rain and lots of wind resulting in, well, this:
Within 5 days, the golden tree was stripped bare and there was nothing left to do but rake up her coat of many colours.

November is now taking centre stage with her gray moodiness and the promise of snow; quite a contrast from the dazzling last couple of months! 

But the shovels and winter coats are within reach and I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. The Golden days are over and now it's time to hunker down - we could be in for a snowy ride!

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