Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 I’m sitting on a little balcony, overlooking a leaf covered square. Below me, in the late afternoon heat the locals and the occasional lost tourist who stumble across this little piece of paradise are sheltering under the massive tree in the shade. They sit in companionable groups sipping drinks as I listen to their musical lilted French amidst the clink of classes and occasional rumble of tiny cars or bicycles. Students, phones in hand, are the same everywhere! 

I’m on a Bucket List trip in France! We spent a few days in Paris then made our way by train to Avignon in the Provence region. Tomorrow, it is back to Paris for one more day before we fly home. 

It is all so beautiful!

And Ancient!

It is Timeless here. The rhythm includes, cafes, bikes, smoking and cafe au laits. Paris is truly a noisy cacophony day and night with lights and action. But Avignon is soft, sleepy and I would even be inclined to rent a bicycle! 

And the Food!! On Mon Dieu!! Don’t get me started!!

Ok, maybe just a few pics…

I’m so grateful and humbled to have this opportunity of a lifetime. I have so many more pics (all taken with my iPhone 13 BTW!) that I suppose I will have to create a book. In a couple of days we fly back to Canada, to routine, and familiar sounds and smells. I’m very routine oriented so this will be a good thing.

Still…..France….you truly are a special place on this earth.