Sunday, October 15, 2023


 Fall finally arrived. Most of our September was extremely dry and warm. My sweaters lounged in the dresser waiting to replace tanks and T-shirts. But right before Thanksgiving, Fall swooped in on a raucous north wind and rain taking her rightful place. 

This beautiful, short season is full of treasure. Now is the time to explore the world full of golds, reds and oranges.

Sheldon and I were blessed to enjoy a weekend away at Lucky Lake in North Frontenac. 

The lake, now devoid of swimmers and sunbathers holds a peaceful prelude for the coming winter’s sleep.

Misty mornings hide the muted colors around the edge of the lake

But there were other treasures for me in this season! The garden leaves a few last parting gifts as well. 

The rose bushes presented these jewels along with my tomato plant

On an outing to Prince Edward county my girlfriend and I came across a curious spot that was really a hoarder’s treasure trove. We wandered around the yard and numerous little outbuildings packed full of trinkets

And purchasing anything was basically on an honour system! If you could pick it up, you could take it and send an e-transfer according to the signs on the door! Treasures indeed!

Soon the frost will come and the leaves will fall and the gardens will sleep. 

Enjoy the treasure hunt!