Sunday, November 17, 2019


It is my suspicion that everyone has a super power. You might already know what yours is, you may even have a few, but I believe  we all have at least one!

Now being "kind" is  a Great Super power and something we can all do. But do you know how powerful kindness is? It strengthens your immune system, gives you clarity, calmness and a heart full of love! Your super-powered kindness benefits those around you, creating a positive environment and spilling far beyond your act of kindness, whatever that may be.

Super powers can run in families! When you model kindness, you raise kind children. Both my kids are kind and generous hearted!

And just look at these two happy dudes! That my husband Sheldon, one of the most generous humans on earth with Andrew who is one of the Best Huggers on Earth. Both are super powered with Kindness. 

So, here's the point. We are heading into the Christmas season. My word, how crazy are the stores, the traffic and even our own families?? Can I encourage you be kind? Wait your turn patiently, hold the doors open, read your child and extra book at night. 

Today, Sheldon and I along with another couple dropped off a couple of totes full of food and Tim Horton's gift cards to a few homeless people who, believe it or not, are living in tents. Sheldon sent out the word and many of our friends generously helped us provide for them. It's cold out there people, Really. Cold. And we don't have a homeless shelter (though we are really close).

Now, more than ever, it's time to use your Super Power!!

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