Sunday, April 28, 2019


The other night I was up at 3:30 in the morning. Yes, that's right, I said 3:30. Lulu was incessantly ringing the cowbell to go out, so I stumbled down the stairs, let the demon dog out and flopped on the couch waiting for the impending scratch at the patio door signalling the plebeian to let her in. And as I lay in my half stupor-state, I heard a robin 3:30 in the morning. Talk about an early bird - but it was music to my ears. 

I love hearing all spring bird songs, especially after a hushed winter silence with only a few brave little birds sticking it out. What a gift, your sense of hearing!  

I went to a concert today. It was with the Belleville Choral Society celebrating their 60th Anniversary. Their were a few special guests including Baritone Matthew Zaddow, musician Dan Douglas and my own brother and his son, Spencer and Oscar Evans. 

The choir sang their hearts out, including Oklahoma, a personal favourite (music to my ears).

But let's not forget the special guests! Dan Douglas was magic on the recorder and then there was Matthew, clearly a showman! Turn the volume up!
And then my brother Spencer and his son Oscar look up all on a trip to New Orleans with classic jazz!

Music, in all it's forms, be it a bird song, or human, makes our lives so much richer. Keep your ears open - music is everywhere!

Sunday, April 14, 2019


I have a concert coming up the beginning of June with the string group. This one has a lot of music in it but I'm feeling pretty solid about most of the pieces. 

But, there are a few tricky parts...
This spot here gives me a bit of trouble. I have to change keys, stomp with my feet and change positions quickly. So Morrie the Cello and I keep "wood-shedding" this part. And I already know, come concert time my heart rate is gonna start rising with anxiety when we get to this piece!

Life has many amazing gifts for us to enjoy (including music). But every now and then, we come to a tricky part. And we may not see it coming so there is no time to practice. A sudden life change, illness, divorce, death, effects of an addiction or struggles with mental health - these are so hard. 

If I suddenly just got up and left in the middle of a concert cause I see a tricky part coming I would miss out on the beautiful songs coming after. I also would miss out on the wisdom and understanding that comes from seeing it through. 

Good Friday is coming up the end of this week. We see Jesus crying out to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane. "If there is any other way we can do this Dad...this is hard. Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours." He went through the crucification for me, and for you. 

If you are struggling with a tricky part, hang in there. Seek some advice, balance your life with good rest, good food. Pray to the One who's been through it and understands. There is some beautiful music coming that I would not want you to miss!

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Hello - Spring? So glad you finally arrived! You look great, by the feel great too! Just having you around makes everyone else feel great - check out the market:
Barely thriving through the winter, it is now starting to pick up. Merchants are coming out of hibernation and setting up their wares.

Thanks to you, I got my bike out, bought a new helmet and I'm ready pedal away!
By the way, I'm not the only one here to say Hi. The daffodils are sprouting up:
The Little Prince was out for a ride in his carriage to give you a royal greeting too!

I would hazard to say, Canada in general is thrilled to see you!

So, Spring, welcome back! Make yourself at home and please...PLEASE...stay awhile.