Sunday, April 29, 2018


You know those menials tasks that you really should do? The ones you avoid by surfing the internet or watching TV or eating or whatever? 

Sometimes you just gotta buckle down and get them down. Take ironing for example.

This weekend I packed away my winter woolies and got out my summer slights. I actually don't mind this job, it's the one that comes after it: The Ironing.

All those pretty summer dresses are sleepy and wrinkled after spending the winter closeted away in a bag. So down to the cold, uncomfortable basement I go and pull out my antique wooden ironing board and I iron away.

On the bright side, the kitten keeps me company. I'm ironing where I keep his food so he thinks treats may be involved plus the cord on the iron is pretty intriguing. Eventually I start to appreciate the satisfaction of ironing out all those wrinkles and how the iron gives a little hiss of steam, like a crowd roaring. Congrats! Another dress done! Whistle while you work!

I just returned to from a week of holidays. It took me a while to get back in the swing of my job routine. I was pretty sure I had put all my toys away before I left but after sloughing through about two hundred emails it seemed either somebody moved some of my toys or I couldn't remember where or what I was doing with them! 

By Wednesday I was back in the groove. It was time to get down to one of those menial mindless jobs that I avoided before my vacation. 

Back to Medical Records I go to prep materials, in this case, stuffing Yellow Folders, a palliative resource.

Not much going on in here. It's an enclosed room, not very pretty. 

Back in it's heyday, this was a hopping spot. Full of staff coming and going to either find a file or put one away. But a few years ago we went paperless and now the filing rows are mostly empty and I've taken over with all my palliative resource material.

Just me and a lot of paper back here. So I bring my trusty phone with me and crank the tunes and rock it out. Occasionally I sashay up one of these aisles and back for my personal amusement. 

I'm whistling while I work, and I'm getting it done, these menial, mindless tasks. 

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