Sunday, September 3, 2017


What seems like 100 years ago, I was off to kindergarten. My parents had to take a pic of myself and my sisters ready for our big day. I love that we are united, holding hands, matching pixie cuts and me with one sock up and one sock down.
For the first time in about 25 years I don't have a child in my house heading back to school this September.

No first day jitters, no snapping a pic, no lunch packing, new clothes, supplies or back packs kicking around. 

I feel a little out of the loop! And I miss the energy and excitement in the house. Granted, I won't miss trying to wake someone up who has about 5 minutes left to leave, or the angst over an assignment or trouble with a best friend either. 

But still, this is a special time so I hope all you moms and dads are appreciating the moment! 

Near our house we have an old public school that has been abandoned for about 10 years now. The property was sold some time ago and I was expecting to hear the constant sounds of construction as a new subdivision began to take over, but as yet, the place is quiet and still.

All windows and doors are boarded up. The pavement in the school yard is crumbling and the basket ball hoops, though still occasionally used by local kids, are hanging in shreds. 

We take Lulu for a walk in the huge field that used to be filled with giggling12-year-old girls and the hollering of boisterous boys showing off. 

As we pass by some old trees at the back of the property I can almost here the secrets once shared. "Meet me by the big tree!"

This bench once held would-be sluggers about to knock it out of the park. "Batter, Batter, Batter Uuuppp!" The star pitcher stares them down...

Someday, probably soon, this school will be gone and Lulu won't have the big field to race freely around in anymore. Someday, you too will have the last time you see your little ones off to public school or high school and before you know it, you will be dropping them off at University and driving away (a tearful, heart wrenching process, let me tell you). 

But for now, enjoy the school days and all that comes with them! If anybody wants to meet at the big tree to share secrets, let me know!

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