Sunday, June 26, 2016


There's a few things permanently imprinted on me that say "SUMMER". 

Like the lazy dusty smell the house gets. 

The song "The Boys are Back in Town" by Thin Lizzy, which I forever have memorized word for word. Just ask me - I'll start rhyming it off. 
And of course, strawberries. 

When those ruby reds start popping up in fields it's like they are saying "move off winter, your time is done! The strong arm of the strawberry has arrived and snow, sleet and cold are muscled out the door.

I headed out to a local patch last Tuesday. The weather was perfect; not too hot with a sun/cloud mix and gentle breeze. The Killdeer sang her song as she zoomed by our hunched over bodies as myself and other berry hunters rifled through greenery and snapped off our finds with a satisfying pop. After about two hours I had enough for what I needed and my sciatica was starting to warn me of trouble brewing. 

Now this berry patch involved parking your car and taking a 5 minute stroll down a farm path, passed the fields and over a little wooden bridge with a bubbling brook. Now how was I to get my berries back to the car?

No problem! I was provided a little red wagon to fill up and toddle back up the farm path!

As I'm strolling along, I come across Sam, one of the locals. Isn't he a handsome fella.

Back home, the work of cleaning and prepping berries begins. Now the strong arm of the strawberry begins to flex. 

I have fresh strawberries in my yogurt with homemade granola for lunch
Take that Winter!

Who can resist chocolate-dipped strawberries!

A strawberry-rhubarb crisp will send all thoughts of snow shovelling to a distant memory.

Finally, if you are still not feeling the summer groove yet, head to a local Strawberry Social. They are everywhere and all you got to do is show up, enjoy the berries and well, be social. 

The strawberries are on stage and they've just dropped the mike! Winter, you're done!

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