Monday, June 20, 2016


This post is a day late and I apologize to you all but I worked the weekend so it was not until this morning that I had time to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard as it were. 

Happy belated Father's Day! To all you Dads out there doing the best you can, loving, giving, sacrificing for your families, especially my hubby Sheldon and my own Dad, the intrepid Jack.

Now Jack is passionate about music. Has been since I've known him and as children we were immersed in nearly every musical genre there was on the planet except for Country, and I think you for that! 

One of my Dad's passions is musicals. If there was a musical brewing, he was signing up to be on stage. I've seen Jack perform in numerous ones:
Pirate of Penzance
The Mikado
South Pacific to name a few
Most recently, it was The Music Man.

Now you all know once you go and see these shows the songs stick in your head for a long time. At 15, I helped hand out programs for Oklahoma. All summer I was humming Oh What a Beautiful Mornin', or singing "Ooooooklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plan!" I don't think my 15-year-old friends were too impressed.

This past week, we went to see Dad in The Music Man at a local theatre. 

There's Jack, now past 81 and still up there singing' and dancin' with the rest of the cast. Seriously, I could not keep up with all those rehearsals and performances night after night. 

It was a great show and the cast gave it all they got. But my hat is off to Jack. Kudos to you Dad and to your tenacity!

This will likely be the last musical Jack will perform in and it is fitting for it to be The Music Man. For that is truly what he is. 

Happy Father's Day Dad!

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