Sunday, September 16, 2018


You Idiot!! I mutter under my breath. You might be quick to say, now Cyndi, you are not an idiot and you should never bad mouth yourself!

But I like to call a spade a spade and sometimes, it's true - I'm just an idiot. 

I put my hand on that hot stove.

I walk towards the smoke cause I know there's fire.

I say the wrong thing, at the wrong time, to the wrong person. 

I've discovered something though and that's part of the point. I learn something when I screw up. I usually learn a lot. Don't always  remember to avoid that particular faux pas but I will..eventually. 

Some people spend their lives seeking pleasure, or power, or money. I've always been keen on seeking wisdom. 

So what is wisdom? Good question! I'm still learning but this is what I've figured out so far. It's readily available for anyone who wants it, but you have to seek it like a hidden treasure. How you spend that treasure is also wisdom. You have to know how to apply the knowledge - timing can be everything. And not just timing but delivery! As my son-in-law would say "Read the Room!"

Wisdom is insight, sound judgement, plain old good sense. It is no respecter of person or age. Scripturally speaking it is begins with the Fear of the Lord, which in layman's terms means a good healthy respect and understanding that there is a God who happens to have the answers and you are more than welcome to ask Him. 

You can certainly gain wisdom from experiences, from reading, listening, watching. You can be considered wise if you know when to talk. I think you are even wiser if you know when to keep your mouth shut. 

I will continue to seek out wisdom. In my book, it's a treasure that's worth finding. And I'm just your average every-day idiot looking for answers. 

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