Monday, February 22, 2016


This past Saturday was the "Coldest Night of the Year" walk, a nation-wide fund raiser bringing awareness to the underdogs in our society - those who are homeless or living on the poverty edge. Those who struggle with mental health and the aftermath of making lots of bad decisions. It's those people you see on the street and sometimes avoid eye contact with or the ones you ignore completely. 

But this past Saturday we, as a community, got together and raised money to help support the underdogs and the people who are doing their best to support them! 

I volunteer at our local down town drop in centre and the funds raised in our town will go directly to keep our little centre afloat so we can continue to provide a warm place to stop in, have a hot drink or a snack and perhaps a listening ear. Not just for the underdogs but to everyone who cares to join in. 

Our goal was $20,000 and last I heard we were up to $21,000. HURRAY!! Way to go Belleville! 

And the best part was the sense of community and support that was palpable in the room as people came in ready to walk with their pledges in hand. I was working with the registration team and had tremendous volunteers efficiently taking and recording funds.

Many of our regular guests who drop in at the Centre also took part in the walk or held signs directing the walkers. And you could see on their faces that today they were not invisible. The positive energy in the room made them feel that yes, they also mattered, they also had a place in this society. 

I'm very proud of you Belleville. Proud that you were willing to look them in the eye and not ignore them. Proud that you were willing to put your money where your mouth is and support them.

From all of us who support our Nightlight Drop in Centre thanks for saying "Hurray for the Underdog! "

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