Sunday, April 19, 2015


Like the rest of you, I work hard. I work hard at my job and I work hard at home. On Saturday I did a full day including cleaning bathrooms, laundry, and an afternoon of yard work, and that's after a week at work. 
So come Sunday, my day of rest, I like to put all work aside and enjoy a play day.
Right Lulu? Here she is giving me that "please grab the end of what's left of my frayed rope and let's play" look: Anytime, anywhere.

I've lived in the Quinte region for my whole life save for a brief stint in Sudbury at the age of 6. Now you have probably picked up on this by now but Prince Edward County is one of our favourite places so we grabbed a few friends and off we went for a play day in the County.

We started with lunch at the Drake Devonshire Inn situated in Wellington. I don't care what you do there but for the love of all things delectable, please try the blueberry scones with clotted cream

They are warm, soft on the inside, perfectly crisp on the outside. They are beyond description. My friend Kevin was working through one of these babies, staring out at the lake and stated "this is one of those perfect moments." Nailed it Kevin.

But we weren't done yet - our next stop was for homemade ice cream at Slickers in Bloomfield.

Then we thought for the sake of our waistlines we had better slow down on the food thing and headed to Sandbanks Provincial Park. True, it is waaaayyyy to cold for swimming yet but there is an incredible delicate beauty in early spring. I snapped a few photos, cause, well you just can't ignore what you're looking at here.

It is a beautiful spot

We were at the site of the old Lakeshore Lodge, which closed in 1972 and sadly, burned down in 1983. There is still a significant dance floor and remains of the buildings to be seen but in it's heyday it was a full 3 storey structure with dancing, dining, shuffleboard, even a swimming pool. My grandfather would have played music here and quite likely taken my grandmother for a quick two step around the dance floor. I find it poignantly sad to know I missed this piece of history only to see the footprint left behind. 

Tomorrow it is back to work and we are expecting rain and the temperatures to dip once again (Oh Canada...). But today was a day full of beauty, relaxation, good food and friends and let's face it, everybody likes a Play Day!

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