Wednesday, July 14, 2021



There’s a story you can find in both Mark and Luke about a man Jesus heals and sets free. The story goes he was possessed by so many demons they called themselves “Legion”. He lived among the tombs, naked and chained. But many times the demons would take control and he would break the chains. When  Jesus and the disciples find him in this tortured state “Legion” knows the gig is up. They beg Jesus (repeatedly) to not order them into the Abyss; let them go into a herd of pigs nearby. Permission is granted and the pigs rush into a lake and drown. I often wonder what happened to Legion after that…but the man is now set free. Now he sits at Jesus feet, clothed and in his right mind. Peace and freedom are finally his. This man wants only one thing; to stay with Jesus and follow him. Like the demons, he begs Jesus for this request.

But Jesus says “No.” 

He sends him away saying “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” Luke 8:39. 

It seems like a small and reasonable request to me, for this man to stay with the one who brought him such freedom after years of torment. Still the answer is “No”. This man did what Jesus asked and went around his home town telling everyone of the miraculous second chance provided to him. 

I often tell young moms raising little ones to let your Yes be Yes and your No be No. As well, as much as possible, say Yes, only say No when you really have to. 

Say Yes when they want that third story before bed. Say yes when they want to run out in the rain and jump in a puddle, even though it means an inconvenience to you and more laundry. 

But when you really need to, say No. 

Because you can see the bigger picture and you know the outcome. 

There are times when God gives me the “No” answer, even if the request seems oh so reasonable, even if it is my heart’s desire and I beg him like the man who wants nothing more than to be with Jesus. 

I trust him. He hasn’t failed me yet. I might keep on asking and maybe that’s part of the process. Maybe when the time is right He will say “Yes”. Maybe the answer will always be No. 

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need. 

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! Excellent post! If need & want are contrary than by all means getting what we need is best but may not always seem so. Another excellent blog! Thanks.
