Sunday, June 13, 2021


 There’s something very peaceful about time spent by the water. In fact many studies justify and confirm the calming effect on our body, mind and soul. 

Like many communities, ours has a beautiful body of water that we tuck up against. When I have time in the morning before work, I take a bike ride around the trails by the Bay. The air is still tinged with the coolness of the passing night as I glide along the path.

There are lots of inviting benches to stop at. Apparently when our mind is calm and allowed to wander, it unlocks our best problem solving abilities. So the next time you are trying to surpass that mountain, please, take a seat and stare at the water for a bit. 

As I gain speed and pass underneath the bridge the pigeons are cooing and checking out their best echos under the massive concrete pillars.

I pass a heron posing on a lone rock

And, a gaggle of goslings off to school - the school of life that is.

Most of the boats are all still sleeping in the harbour. But a few people are up and about. I pass a young woman with a black poodle, trimmed in the classic French style. There are two elderly men walking together; one tall, one short. There is a tiny elderly woman alone taking careful but determined little steps. She’s adorable and gives me a quick little smile. 

This is the dog park  and if I were a dog, I’d be pretty excited about running amuck in there myself!

Time is ticking and my day job (and a cup of coffee) is calling. I can hear the train whistle in the distance and pick up the pace to get across the tracks before I get caught having to wait. 

Back home, with my coffee in the garden, I’m grateful for these simple pleasures: a bike ride, a body that still works well enough to ride it, a cup of coffee, the beauty of a summer morning and peace in the park. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, I felt like I was walking with you, the peacefulness is contagious. Another great blog!
