Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Sometimes, things can take a rather unexpected turn of events. Like last night, when we thought we were just “walking the dog.” Turns out we instigated a Puppy Parade instead! Read on reader, and let me explain. Some names (not the dogs, those are all true) have been changed to protect the innocent, because a few quarantine rules may have been broken. But a dog’s well-being and safety were at sake! 

After coaxing Lulu out of her cosy chair with a promised treat, Sheldon and I head down our street. Ahead we see a large figure bouncing about. It is a big black bouvier!

“I think that’s Joe’s dog, he has a dog like that!” (Joe lives almost across the street from us). “See if you can catch him and check the collar.” Sheldon checks the collar but there is no identifier except one of those gadgets that are supposed to keep your dog from penetrating an invisible force field of some sort. 

“We had better  take him back” says I. So we corral and coax the bouncing Joe’s dog back up our street. He zeros in on Joe’s house and we think we have a winner. But Joe’s wife is standing outside and says “that’s not our dog. I think thats Walter! He lives on Jackson Court!” Jackson Court is about a 5 minute walk so we borrow a leash and now Sheldon, Lulu, Joe’s dog/aka Walter, and myself head back down the street. Let the parade begin!

On Jackson Court Sheldon knocks at what we think is Walter’s house. A man answers and explains. “That’s not Walter.” Walter is snoozing away. “I think that’s Dave’s Dog Dawson. He lives over on Elm Street!” That happened to be our street of course. “My name is Bob, I’ll come with you and show you which house.” 

So...now we have Sheldon, Lulu, Bob, myself and Joe’s Dog/Walter/Dawson in the parade. Bob finds this quite funny a guffaws out loud. 

As we now turn the parade back to it’s origins we find a little lady trucking down the street in her COVID cosies, leash in hand. This looks promising! 

“I see you found Samson,” Says the owner. At least now we know who we are dealing with! “He somehow escaped our backyard”. “I’m Cathy”. Soon afterwards, Cathy’s husband Dave arrives to complete the escort with his car. 

The parade is complete: Sheldon, Bob, Lulu, Cathy, Dave in a car, me and Joe’s dog/Walter/Dawson who is really Samson.

We’ve all had enough parading for one night and return to our respective homes. Who knew there were so many black bouviers in one neighborhood? 

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