Sunday, May 5, 2019


I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning and came across some pics and a video of puppies...Golden Doodle puppies...a whole pack....all fat and fluffy running around. My friend called it "Puppy Therapy". 

Now that's good therapy. Chasing around a bunch of roly-poly puppies. Sign Me Up!

Unfortunately, I don't have a pack of Golden Doodle puppies but I do need some therapy, so I've got a few other options.

Garden Therapy!
Almost overnight, our brown dull world turned into a startling green one. After numerous rainy days we get some pay-back and I spent most of the afternoon rummaging around  in the front garden and taking in the sights and smells. The worms are fat and abundant, the daffodils are ready to pop, the earth smells rich and fresh. 

Baby Therapy!
Babies, especially happy, fresh-out-of-the-bathtub and sweet smelling one are great!!

Comfort Food Therapy!
Whatever works for you: macaroni and cheese, warm chocolate chip cookies, grilled cheese. Avocado toast with grilled mushrooms and drizzled with Black Truffle Oil works for me.

Mornings and Coffee Therapy
I admit it. I'm a irritatingly-early morning person. So I will just slip out of bed so as not to disturb you and hang with the pets. A big comfy chair, a blanket and a hot cup of cinnamon laced coffee is what I need. A time of quiet for prayer and meditation makes for some of the best therapy around!

So all you hard working and time strapped humans, if you need therapy, go out there and find it. The world and its demands just keep coming. Grief and frustrations will pile up. But you can tap out and give yourself some time to regroup and refresh your mental health. Go Chase Some Puppies!!

1 comment:

  1. I love cinnamon in my morning cup of stimulant, too!! You and I are kindred spirits!!
