Sunday, May 19, 2019


I had last week off of work and spent most of it, weather allowing, working on the gardens. But not just the garden - we are putting in a new patio area and updating/completing our back deck as well.

We are under construction! And that means work. Hard, sometimes back breaking, dirty work. 

I hauled and shovelled bags of soil, adding in fresh and cleaned up the beds. I put a nice edge on the front garden and all down the back. 
I moved a few plants around and excavated baby trees and weeds. Then I spent stupid money at the Nursery and created a few planters and pots of flowers. I fell into bed exhausted. 

But just look at my results!
Good, happy soil makes for good happy plants!

The flower pots add nice punches of colour wherever I choose to move them.

But wait! There's more! We are putting in a new cement slab and a new gazebo. So I spent time moving dirt (more like brown glue!) and rocks that accumulated under a small deck that will be removed to make room. 

And I spent a lot of hours, bent over, removing all the debris between all the boards on the big back deck. Every. Single. One. 

Sheldon is prepping to remove the old stain before we can restain and finally finish this deck.

Maybe you are under Construction too. Maybe you are working on your whole life! It will be hard, sometimes back breaking work. But believe in the finished product. The results will be amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cyndi, We are in the midst of rearranging our gardens, too, in preparation for a new poured concrete patio that will be installed in July. It is back breaking work, but so worth it in the long run! Once our porch is cleaned up I will have you out for a cup of tea on the porch and we can watch the birds and chat.
