Sunday, December 23, 2018


It's Christmas Eve eve. Outside is dark with just a hint of snow falling. All is Calm. All is bright. 

This time of year can be a rollercoaster ride. You might be gripping the safety bar wishing the ride to end or maybe you have both hands full out up in the air hooting with delight. Laughter, tears, frustration, wonder, grief and joy, loneliness and fullness are all part of the ride.

Wherever you are at, my Christmas wish for you is Love, Joy and Peace. 
I wish you Love as you get together with family and friends.

I wish Joy. The simple joys that can be found throughout the holidays.

And I wish you Peace. 
The kind that settles your soul. That passes all understanding in the midst of it all. 

Shepherds sitting in a field putting in the night shift when an Angel showed up with a message from the God of LOVE: "Don't be afraid, I have JOYOUS news for you, for everyone! Today a baby has been born - Saviour of the earth!" Suddenly there is a sky full of Angels - (that must have been quite a sight). "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth PEACE to men."

Love - Joy - Peace - My Christmas Wish for you. 

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