Sunday, March 25, 2018


Back in 1971, if you can believe it, some smarty-pants advertising marketer came up with the slogan "because I'm worth it". For some reason that seemed a pretty cocky thing for a woman to say back then. 

That soon evolved to include the everyday girl sitting at home with "because you're worth it" and then moved on to celebrate womanhood with "because we're worth it." Doesn't sound so cocky now, does it? 

I try to look after this body I live in. She's getting on, pushing 55 years old. So I exercise it regularly, make sure it gets decent sleep, not too much stress and I aim to feed it right.

But every now and then, the extra luxuries are worth it. 

Like a fresh croissant

Worth it!

Or a little Baileys in your coffee:

Worth it!

We took in Maple in the County today, complete with pancakes

And other yummy treats, like this deep fried butter tart!

Definitely worth it!!

Or, getting a new kitten, even if their alarm clock is set at 4:30 am cause they get to sleep all day.

Yup, worth it

Seems Loreal was right. Sometime's I'm worth it, you're worth it, in fact we're all worth it!

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