Sunday, March 4, 2018


I'm up early to walk Lulu. In the east, there is a hint of lighter blue oozing into the inky blackness of the starry night sky. Before I've made it half way around the block the robins are starting to laugh and sing. 
Time to Wake Up! 

Time to yawn and stretch and wake up our lazy bones. The birds know it and they waste no time in getting on with the business of life.

The trees know it. Life giving sap is moving in the sugar maples, waking up the trees from their long slumber.

We tap in and help ourselves to this gift known as maple syrup.

Tomorrow morning when your alarm goes off in whatever form that may be, Wake Up! Cherish the day you have no matter how mundane. Wake up to the gift of life with all its ups and downs, opportunities and struggles. Don't sleep through your life, waiting for something to change before you begin living.

You are right where you need to be to learn and grow. Honour the past, cherish the moment you are in, keep an eye on possibilities ahead of you. 

So there you have it - yours (and mine) Monday morning Pep Talk. Wake Up!

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