Sunday, January 5, 2020


I realize I'm a little late sending out good wishes and celebratory statements for the start of 2020. But I have a good explanation.

My house has been hit by "the plague". 

For over a week, Sheldon has barely left the couch, much less the house. I do the bare minimum of what needs to be done and crash. We are running on emergency power only!

I spent New Years Eve in bed by 8:30, watching "Sleepless in Seattle" (one of the top 10 sappiest movies ever). 

My allies consist of cold meds, gingerale, kleenex, tea, soup, water and the pets. Sleep is much needed but elusive, rudely interrupted with rib racking coughing spasms. Yesterday, the sinus pressure had me in tears.  

But tonight, I feel like I'm turning a corner! Sinus pressure has abated and my teeth don't feel like they need to be pulled. Coughing spasms are ongoing but maybe, just maybe, I can sleep past 3 am!

2020 is off to a bumpy start for me. That does not make me nervous. It does rev up my Fight back reflex though! The next year will likely be a transitional one. I expect there will be a few bumps in the road, but there will also be some soft landings, victories and  time on the back burners as well. 

Happy New Year Everyone! Looks like I've survived the plague, I will survive whatever 2020 has on the table! 


  1. OH, Cyndi!!! I hope you are feeling much better today!! Happy New Year!! I am off today and Tuesday. Working at TMH on Wed and Thursday then off on vacation and returning the 21st!!! Flying to the Bahamas on Saturday! Woot! Woot! Woot!! I'll send you some sunshine!! xoxo
