Sunday, November 26, 2017


According to family legend, my original mode of movement was scooting. Yup, I was a bum scooter. Eventually I developed the fine art of using my two legs in an upright position and started walking.

I've been walking ever since. I confess. The cards are on the table. This girl was made for walkin'!

There was no bussing system in Trenton, so as I teenager I had to walk downtown to find whatever mischief  was to be had. A quick 10-15 minute walk and there was I was, in the middle of the action. Hanging with the other street riffraff, the drug-ees and drug-dealers, the strippers, the mentally unstable. I would walk to meet my girlfriend who literally lived on the other side of town on the Base. She was a good 7 inches taller than I and mostly in the leg region. I  had to trot to keep up with her, my two steps to her one. 

Here I am, nearly 40 years later, still walking. 

I walk the dog. I walk on my lunch. My running shoes are well worn and scruffy. I bounce along taking strides bigger than my frame can handle. 

I walk in the dark and pick out constellations. I walk through sunrises and sunsets. In rain, snow, heat and cold. 

Recently my husband bought the mother of all treadmills. 

It takes up a good chunk of the basement and is really keen on whipping you into shape. There are numerous walking tours you can take, all led by svelte young things that are over the top in the motivation department. Personally I just put it on manual, bring the incline up really high, stick my I-pod in and start walking. 

Eventually my knees and/or hips are going to wear out from all this walking. I will probably be signing up for whatever bionic parts are available for replacement.

This girl was made for walkin', that's just what she'll do. One of these days this girl is gonna walk right up to you!

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