Friday, February 5, 2010

February Fallout

First, let me congratulate all my fellow northerners for making it thus far through winter. In another 6 weeks or so, this will all be behind us! FYI - last year on Feb. 9/09 I spied my first Robin. Not sure if I will top that but if anyone sees/hears one, let me know. All in all, it's been an easy winter in Ontario. Only one major snowstorm (so far) and a few nasty cold nights but nothing we can't handle.
And yet, there is palpable tension in the air. We are getting restless and listless. We are getting antsy and (let's put our cards on the table) bitchy. At work with the office under the pressure of trying to meet budget deadlines my coworkers are on the edge. I want to clean, I want to do nothing. I want fresh air, I want to hibernate. There is no rhyme or reason - it's just February Fallout.
So, I'm going to keep my wits about me. A vacation in the sunny south would probably be a great cure-all but as that is not possible I'm going to count my blessings and remember to be thankful for all God has given and provided, another great cure-all.
Thank you God for my beautiful family,
My excellent health
My job
My very good friends
The hope and hint of spring - I'm looking for Mr. Robin who you are sending my way
Thank you God for so many blessings and your constant provision....I'm feeling better already.
Thank you God February is such a short month - obviously You knew what you were doing.

1 comment:

  1. February Fall out....yep. I am finding Feb. difficult too. I long for SPRING! Next week a friend and I are going seed shopping. Then we will come back to my house and plant our little seeds, put them on my sunny window sill and pray that the little seedlings grow. :)

