Sunday, October 30, 2022


 Last weekend Sheldon and I had the privilege of staying at a cottage. The weather was beautiful; crisp, cool nights and soft goodbye summer sun during the day. 

It’s a privilege to share space with this much beauty! Lulu loved it!

We took walks down the country roads to take in the last of the fall colours

 With no streetlights around, the night creeps in quickly. It’s a privilege to watch a golden sunset over the lake.

And in the morning (my favourite time), the Adirondack chairs called me back to sip hot coffee wrapped in a blanket

On a hike in the woods, Red maples, yellow oaks and beech trees with copper leaves scattered all around us and covered the ground

Back at the cottage, I washed up the dinner dishes and stared at this view, so much better than the 1980’s ceramic tile under a fluorescent tube I have at home!

It occurred to me there were only a handful of people around me on this little spit of land. All this beauty, all this space for us to enjoy. Many of us live in noise, chaos, crowds. Many of us rarely have a moment to ourselves! 

This weekend at a cottage in the woods was a privilege and I did not take it for granted and sent up my Thanks and appreciation. 

I hope and pray for the little gifts you can enjoy for strength and refreshing. I know it’s a privilege, but you are worth it. 


  1. Looks like Lucky Lake. Beautiful!

  2. It IS Lucky Lake! Lucky to go there!

  3. Beautiful! I’m glad you had a refreshing time! 😊

  4. Well written Cyndi. Must try that myself again some time.
