Sunday, August 21, 2022



How has your summer been? We who live in the northern hemisphere (in my case, Canada), treasure and savour summer, trying to make the most of the longer, warm days. 

Mornings are my favourite any time of the year and summer mornings have their own warmth and charm. This summer, I’ve had the chance to enjoy not one but two different cottages. In the mornings with a steaming cup of coffee, Lulu and I, sit by the water,  listening to the simple sounds of loons, the occasional low rumble of a motor boat and water gently lapping up to the shore. 

Ah….the serene quiet life I live….

But mornings as an empty nester have been a little different this summer. My daughter and her family are in the midst of building their first home which has a way to go before it’s finished…and they are trying to make do with a trailer on the lot. Which also means they spend a fair bit of time at our house showering and enjoying such luxuries as space, laundry and a TV!

So now my mornings often include grand babies and tired parents. 

Some things remain the same. I still have DandyLion, my water obsessed cat hanging around the bathroom waiting for me to turn on the faucet.

I’m quite used to looking at this furry butt first thing in the morning.

But now there is a 4-year-old and a baby causing all sorts of bittersweet moments as well. 

One morning both were up and about. Soren managed to step in something Lulu had thrown up, and that sent him into a downward spiral. We managed to get his foot cleaned up and calmed him down enough to start his breakfast. 

He very quickly managed to knock his cereal bowl and spill milk all over. 

Meanwhile, Baby Eva sits in her high chair singing “Hot Cross Buns” that sounds more like “Haw, cos uns…haw, cos uns!” 

It’s chaos and wonder, a bittersweet mix of joy and frustration all in one. It is NOT serene, quiet and peaceful!

Still, Mornings are my favourite! 


  1. I love this blog and love mornings as well. The sweet joy of children in developing stages is so wonderful and frustrating at times. I beautiful dance all in one. Both/and… always

  2. Another very interesting and excellen piece of writing, Cyndi.
