Sunday, July 24, 2022



Last week, as I sat in the garden enjoying my coffee a little hummingbird stopped by to visit the flowers. 

It was so close to me I could have touched it! I watched it hover and dart tasting each of the rain drenched offerings. It’s little wings a blur and it’s back a beautiful iridescent sheen. 

I found myself staying perfectly still, barely breathing and  amazed at this little bird in wondrous flight. 

Sometimes, when you observe something so beautiful you “make space” for the sacred moment, without even realizing it. It could be a sunrise or sunset, a baby sleeping, the woman/man of your dreams walks into your life, a hummingbird visit. 

I’ve supported many people who are grieving and many need you to make space for them. Stop talking. Listen. Stay still. Let their grief flow, it needs room to expand. You might have nothing to say to make things better and that’s OK.

This morning I’m at a cottage, overlooking a serene lake on a grey day. As I sip my coffee, listening to the wind sigh in the pines and the birdsong, who should come along but a little hummingbird! 

Life throws us a lot of frustrations and pain. I appreciate these sacred encounters! 

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