Sunday, November 8, 2020


 So, clearly, this is not your average year. Like most of you, I just had my first COVID birthday. Now on a typical year, my birthday consists of a cold, dark gray November day, possibly snow on the ground and a fine dinner in a warm restaurant with friends and family. 

But there’s a pandemic at the moment so...anything goes!

We’ve had a record breaking run of warm and sunny weather. I figured I might as well take advantage of it and have a picnic! For my Birthday! Anything Goes!

I made arrangements with “The County Picnic”(find them on Facebook) to pick up my basket of goodies complete with a blanket and all the necessary accoutrements for a perfect picnic.  

Andrea will set you up right!

A gorgeous, sandwich with cheese and a spicy tomato sauce

And a basket full of cheeses, jams, hummus, bread, crackers, olives, pickles, apples and other goodies, all locally sourced from Prince Edward County

And instead of Birthday cake - Birthday donuts! Works for me!

We enjoyed our picnic with our good friends Tom and Jolie, who have journeyed life with us for about 30 years.

Coffee to go!

Tom and Jolie happen to live in a beautiful area of Prince Edward County. For picnics, location, Location, LOCATION is important!

Me, and the Old Man (but for the record, I’m the older one..)

I’ve never had a birthday like this in November and likely I never will again. But, there is a pandemic going on. It’s 2020. Anything Goes!