Sunday, February 10, 2019


I just got to say it, winter has been pretty grumpy; down right pissy this year! We go to extremes: frigid deep freeze temperatures to snowmageddon, then jump into buckets of freezing rain and why not throw in wind gusts up to 100 clicks.

My backyard that is so welcoming and lively in the summer is distant and giving me the silent treatment: dead potted plants, icy decks and frozen poopsicles. 

But this isn't my first winter rodeo so I've stored away a few survival tips to get me through this yearly ice age.

My first suggestion would be to get out of Dodge, to somewhere bathed in surf, sun and sand! If that is not in the cards, find yourself a nice warm sunbeam.
I find the pets strategically aligned with these all over the house. Not having a personal fur coat, I take to the fireplace or warm fuzzy blankets for a hibernation moment.

Make yourself comfort food like soups, stews and in this case, a mushroom and spinach quiche

Add a nice glass of red wine with that and you won't even notice the icy, freezing rain smashing against your window.

Finally, spend time with those who warm the cockles of your heart. This weekend I hung out with my parents, enjoyed a raucous night of laughter at a games night with a few friends, went to Church this morning and then, there's this guy, the Little Prince:
If that face doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what would!

If, like me, you have had enough of winter's little tantrums let him know you're not going to take it. Show him who's boss and pull out your Survival kit. If that doesn't work, get on the next plane to Tahiti!

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