Saturday, August 3, 2024


My batteries are dying all over the house. My iPad can’t seem to hold a charge for more than a day, the battery powered lawnmower can barely get through the front yard before it needs a lengthy charge to finish the back yard.  Even my Watch doesn’t want to make it through 8 hours. Clearly I’m overly reliant on a recharge.

 It’s been a long hot week in Ontario. The average temperature climbing daily to 35 degrees Celsius (95 in Fahrenheit) but this province is well known for humidity so we are also told what it feels like, which is closer to 39 (102.2 Fahrenheit) or even 40! This heat is sucking the battery power out of Everything!



Even DandyLion, who tends to power down on top of me. 
Just what I need when the house is akin to a Furnace!

Six months from now it will be Feb. 3 and you can bet the thermometer will be indicating an about face. The thought of heading out the door without 2 or even 3 extra layers would be ludicrous. 

At least I hope the energy level will have increased around here. I may have to look into a new iPad, the lawnmower will not be a concern and the pets will be powering up in the closest sunbeams. 

But for now, in the thick of summer, we are running on Emergency power only. Welcome to Ontario - a weather dichotomy!