Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 About a month ago, Little Prince #1 and I went out to pick strawberries together.

“Nonna! Look at this Beauty!” I heard that a lot. Then he would take one bite and toss the rest. Eventually we ended up with a couple of baskets full of beauties, more or less intact. 

Retirement means I have more of that incredibly valuable commodity known as Time. 

I’m having my first slow down summer since I was a kid, like under 12 before I started working. Back then I would wallow through the summer vacation occasionally whining about being bored. 

Now, at the other end of the hour glass I recognize not only the VALUE of time of the value of HAVING time. 

So I’m enjoying my slow summer! Time for El Fresco dining with fine cheese and fancy drinks

More time with grandbabies!

Or, adventures with friends.

Raspberries are my favourite so I decided to head back to the farm and pick some for the freezer when they were ripe and ready on the vine.

Instead of taking the quickest route (to save time) I took the leisurely country drive like old retired people do. There was a gaggle of over 60 year olds out there picking to their heart’s content. 

Not too bad for an ole girl eh?

I ate some, gave some away and stored the rest away for a taste of summer in the dead of winter.

It’s summer and no matter what stage you are in, it’s a good time to slow down: Family time, country drives, bike rides or a chunk of bread slathered in fresh Brie and washed down with something bubbly works for me! 

So, what works for you to do a summer slow down? 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Enjoying the campfire from my Momma’s lap with my sisters

Camping has always been a part of my life and except for a few exceptions, I have headed to the woods every summer for the past 40 years. 

But due to unforeseen circumstances, I have missed an annual camping trip for the past couple of years

So it was with great excitement a canoe trip was booked and came to fruition this week!

Sheldon and I with Lulu (the best camping dog ever) headed out on Big Gull Lake in a beautiful handcrafted canoe we borrowed from good friends. “L.J” was light and easy to handle and she glided through the water like a loon on a lake.

I love camping

I love discovering and setting up a new campsite

I love the sounds of the paddles slicing through the water, the wind whispering in the trees(aka psithurism), the waves hitting the shore. I even loved the whip-poor-will that sang from the time the sun set till the dawn arrived! 

Breakfast is a leisurely affair of getting a fire started and waiting for the water to boil for coffee.

And then there are bagels to cook - hot, buttery and slightly crispy!

I spend inordinate amounts of time swimming, reading, sleeping or just staring at the lake.

Lulu ruminating on the wonders of the Universe

Later this year in August we are taking Little Prince #1 on his first camping trip. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with Soren who loves nothing better than dirt and bugs. 

Wishing you all beautiful adventures and times of rest this summer - maybe it time to bring on a camping trip!