Sunday, May 26, 2024


There a few things I’ve accomplished that, in my opinion, are amazing. Like I’m not really sure how I pulled it off, but I did. 

For example, 33 years ago today I gave birth. That’s amazing! In fact, it was the second time to accomplish this miraculous feat. 

The first time for my daughter was a long drawn out affair and the second, for Adrian was faster but very intense. I remember thinking if this is going to be as long as Randi’s birth, I’m not going to make it!  Giving birth took all my strength: body soul and spirit. 

In the early hours of a beautiful May morning 33 years ago today, Adrian arrived. He was a home birth and there were only a few around to witness this miracle including my husband, my Mom and my midwife. Occasionally our cat Dawson attempted to wander in. 

These two amazing feats created two amazing humans - one a teacher and one an engineer. They are both strong, compassionate and now raising children of their own with wisdom and faith. 

I could rattle off a numerous failures and mistakes but when it comes to accomplishments, I’m pretty proud of these two!