Sunday, April 21, 2024


You find yourself at a crossroads; you can turn right, left, straight or maybe turn around and go back where you came from. What are you going to do?

Do you make the big move? Do you take that new job? Do you marry him/her? Do you stay or do you go now? 

I’m coming up to one of those life crossroads. In a few weeks I’m retiring and suddenly there are a lot of new options with a lot of decisions. Do I go right? Left? Straight? Turn around and head right back into the workforce? 

In Judges Chapter 6, a nervous young man named Gideon has been asked to lead the charge against the enemy. So he puts out a fleece and asks God to give him a sign: make the  fleece wet and the ground dry. No problem says God and the fleece wrings out enough water to fill a bowl but the ground is dry. Gideon, still needed to make sure he was going in the right direction. So he asks God the next night to make the fleece dry and the ground wet. Sign confirmed and Gideon gathers the men for war. 

There is nothing wrong with asking for some direction! The universe is sending out signs all the time. 

Daffodils blooming are a sure sign spring is on the way. Cardinals are often considered a sign from those who have died that all is well and they are still close by. 

But what about me? I’m looking for a sign about my future direction. I’m bouncing it off good friends and loved ones. I’m praying!

So the other day I’m driving around and lo and behold..some clear direction on what to do after retirement! A sign from heaven!

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