Sunday, December 29, 2024


 Have you ever wanted/needed a second chance? 

A second chance at: A Challenge? A Mistake? Love? Life?

Of course you have - we ALL have! Not only is it great to receive them, it’s great to give them too.

At the Last Supper Jesus tells Peter his faith will fail. Peter says “No Way! I’m ready to go to both prison and to death.” But Jesus says “this very night you will deny me three times before the rooster crows.” Later, as Jesus is led away, Peter stays close by in the courtyard with the servants. They begin to focus on him and say he was one of Jesus’ disciples. He insists he is not - never met the man. He denies this 3 times. The rooster crows. Just then, Jesus turns and looks directly into Peter’s eyes across the courtyard and Peter remembers what Jesus had said. Feeling the full burden of shame and betrayal Peter leaves and “wept bitterly.” This is a guy who needs a second chance.

After Jesus’ death the women who had gone to prepare the body come back with an incredible story! Jesus’ is gone! The tomb is empty and these dazzling white guys said He had risen! The disciples thought this was crazy, some idle tale, but Peter ran back to the tomb. He had to see for himself, maybe a second chance was possible! 

Later, Peter and a few other disciples are fishing. Who do they see on the shore but Jesus tending a fire! After an uncomfortable breakfast, Jesus asks Peter about his love for Him. He asks 3 times wiping out the 3 times Peter denied Him thus offering a second chance to acknowledge his love and loyalty. 

As we start a brand new year maybe you need a second chance. There is mercy new each day for those. Or maybe you need to give a second chance. With wisdom, I hope you can find the grace to do so. 

Here’s to 2025 - may it be a year of joy, peace, health for you and occasionally, when you need them, a year of second chances. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


If your idea of a good time is puttering in a kitchen, cooking, creating and testing out new recipes, then you are my people. So when my friend Sharon suggested a cooking class with Enid Grace in Hillier it sounded like a great way to spend an afternoon!

With Sharon, ready for action


Myself and another friend, Cathy, were the first to arrive. Enid’s cooking classes are held in a renovated old Quaker Barn that also used to be a blacksmith shop. 

And there I was, in Kitchen Nirvana, stirring Risotto!

A happy little wood stove for warmth, Christmas music, fresh ingredients all laid out, wine and snacks to enjoy, and all the kitchen necessities you could want. Enid has a wealth of knowledge around cooking and baking. 

Making the Turtres

We delved into Italian cuisine in the Dolomite region, prepping dishes in several stages which Enid masterfully brought together. The small class of 7 ladies all took turns trying techniques and prepping. 

Of course….there was lots of eating too! 

Canederli in Brodo, a beautiful bone broth soup with little dumplings topped with crispy butter fried fresh sage. 

Turtres, little pastries filled with ricotta and spinach and quickly deep fried in a light oil.

Risotto with fresh squash, Enid’s homemade sausage and porcini

 and for dessert, Apfelstrudal with almond custard. 

We all brought home leftovers and lots of new tricks and tips. So if you are looking for a relaxing afternoon of creativity and fun, I recommend checking out Enid’s classes! 

Like me, you may find yourself in Kitchen Nirvana!

Sunday, November 3, 2024


 It’s been a rather hectic week filled with appointments; some planned, some not. My husband and both parents all needed medical care due to surgeries, complications and in my Dad’s case, a nasty fall. 

One of these situations alone can be stressful, but three?? The old adage “when it rains, it pours” fits the bill! 

When stress starts to overwhelm me and I’m feeling off kilter, out of control and anxious it’s time to refocus my mind, body and emotions.

I search out objects of peace and beauty, quiet places to pray and breathe and think of my many blessings to be thankful for in the midst of noise. 

This late blooming rose, softly summer perfumed waited for me to find.

Diamond sparkled frost on the deck glittering in the morning light

Lulu curled up on her chair beside the fireplace while I enjoy my coffee

These bring me comfort and peace and I remember my favourite scripture verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will guide you” Proverbs 3:5-6

My old cat Sasha is thin and her lush velvet fur is not what is used to be. I placed this patch of shag rug in a sunny spot.

Sasha curled up and let out a slow contented breath. 

Like the sigh of a sun warmed sleepy cat, sometimes we just need to trust and rest. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024


For the past 15 years, Belleville has hosted an all out community party known as Porchfest. 

If you are not privy to what Porchfest is, here’s the Coles notes: An event that brings local musicians together playing whatever their jam is on neighborhood porches. The community wanders around and gets to listen to the music ranging from rock, pop, country, blues you name it! 

It’s kinda like Halloween for grownups- we wander from house to house and enjoy the offerings. Occasionally there is uh…. “Refreshments” and snacks to enjoy!

Porchfest 2024 had over 60 bands and/or musicians. That’s a lot of musical porches!

It was also a lot of people! 

Who were all having a great time

Along with people there were lots of dogs: big, little, fluffy, old, tired but all of them had their tails wagging and their tongues lolling. 

This year my old Dad got in the action and sang with an A Capella group. Look at those nice matching blue shirts!

Porchfest has become one of the most anticipated events each September. I love the sense of community and connection it brings. 

Besides, how can you go wrong with good music, good community fun and lots of happy dogs? 

Sunday, September 8, 2024


 I don’t know if all Moms do this or if it’s just mine. Maybe it’s part of her Italian lineage. But almost every time I visit my parents, she has to give me something. 

Trinkets like this cat salt and pepper set

Clothing, books, magazine articles and most of all…Food (both of my parents are guilty of this one).

“Have a piece of pie to take home!”

“I’ve got some old bones for Lulu!”

“Could you use up this chocolate sauce?”

Inevitably I just nod and hold out my trick or treat bag to be filled. Last time I stopped by it was a folding chair and a cooler!

This past week my Mom turned 85. A bouquet of fall flowers, a lovely lunch and we checked out the local museum. Sometimes I have to give back!

But she has given me so much more than material things and food.

She has given me an example of sacrifice, creativity, a love for cats and well, life itself 

Mom and I with Dad and sisters Heather and Heidi

Perhaps in honour of this generous tradition (or maybe it’s a habit I’ve picked up), I tend to do the same thing to my children. Last time my daughter stopped in I handed over her Graduation photo, a purse and some apple cake. She came for dinner on the weekend and off went the last of the Apple Crisp too! 

Thanks for all the things you give me Mom. There are worse things I could pass onto my children!

Saturday, August 3, 2024


My batteries are dying all over the house. My iPad can’t seem to hold a charge for more than a day, the battery powered lawnmower can barely get through the front yard before it needs a lengthy charge to finish the back yard.  Even my Watch doesn’t want to make it through 8 hours. Clearly I’m overly reliant on a recharge.

 It’s been a long hot week in Ontario. The average temperature climbing daily to 35 degrees Celsius (95 in Fahrenheit) but this province is well known for humidity so we are also told what it feels like, which is closer to 39 (102.2 Fahrenheit) or even 40! This heat is sucking the battery power out of Everything!



Even DandyLion, who tends to power down on top of me. 
Just what I need when the house is akin to a Furnace!

Six months from now it will be Feb. 3 and you can bet the thermometer will be indicating an about face. The thought of heading out the door without 2 or even 3 extra layers would be ludicrous. 

At least I hope the energy level will have increased around here. I may have to look into a new iPad, the lawnmower will not be a concern and the pets will be powering up in the closest sunbeams. 

But for now, in the thick of summer, we are running on Emergency power only. Welcome to Ontario - a weather dichotomy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 About a month ago, Little Prince #1 and I went out to pick strawberries together.

“Nonna! Look at this Beauty!” I heard that a lot. Then he would take one bite and toss the rest. Eventually we ended up with a couple of baskets full of beauties, more or less intact. 

Retirement means I have more of that incredibly valuable commodity known as Time. 

I’m having my first slow down summer since I was a kid, like under 12 before I started working. Back then I would wallow through the summer vacation occasionally whining about being bored. 

Now, at the other end of the hour glass I recognize not only the VALUE of time of the value of HAVING time. 

So I’m enjoying my slow summer! Time for El Fresco dining with fine cheese and fancy drinks

More time with grandbabies!

Or, adventures with friends.

Raspberries are my favourite so I decided to head back to the farm and pick some for the freezer when they were ripe and ready on the vine.

Instead of taking the quickest route (to save time) I took the leisurely country drive like old retired people do. There was a gaggle of over 60 year olds out there picking to their heart’s content. 

Not too bad for an ole girl eh?

I ate some, gave some away and stored the rest away for a taste of summer in the dead of winter.

It’s summer and no matter what stage you are in, it’s a good time to slow down: Family time, country drives, bike rides or a chunk of bread slathered in fresh Brie and washed down with something bubbly works for me! 

So, what works for you to do a summer slow down? 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Enjoying the campfire from my Momma’s lap with my sisters

Camping has always been a part of my life and except for a few exceptions, I have headed to the woods every summer for the past 40 years. 

But due to unforeseen circumstances, I have missed an annual camping trip for the past couple of years

So it was with great excitement a canoe trip was booked and came to fruition this week!

Sheldon and I with Lulu (the best camping dog ever) headed out on Big Gull Lake in a beautiful handcrafted canoe we borrowed from good friends. “L.J” was light and easy to handle and she glided through the water like a loon on a lake.

I love camping

I love discovering and setting up a new campsite

I love the sounds of the paddles slicing through the water, the wind whispering in the trees(aka psithurism), the waves hitting the shore. I even loved the whip-poor-will that sang from the time the sun set till the dawn arrived! 

Breakfast is a leisurely affair of getting a fire started and waiting for the water to boil for coffee.

And then there are bagels to cook - hot, buttery and slightly crispy!

I spend inordinate amounts of time swimming, reading, sleeping or just staring at the lake.

Lulu ruminating on the wonders of the Universe

Later this year in August we are taking Little Prince #1 on his first camping trip. I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with Soren who loves nothing better than dirt and bugs. 

Wishing you all beautiful adventures and times of rest this summer - maybe it time to bring on a camping trip!


Sunday, June 2, 2024


Three weeks ago I was a Monday to Friday working girl….now I’m not. 

Three weeks ago I would have been prepping to head back to work on Monday….not today Ray.

I’m retired now! My co-workers threw me the most amazing retirement party.

Some of my MANY retirement gifts

I was utterly and completely overwhelmed with all the gifts and good wishes. My friend Kelly gave a speech that made me sound like some sort of Wonder Woman! I have already booked her for my Eulogy.

I will admit I’ve not quite got a handle on my new gig. My alarm still goes off at 5:30 am. My new “work” day is a bit fuzzy around the edges and being someone who lives by time management and structure, I’m like a duck out of water. 

I’ve spend a lot of time gardening. I let my back yard know I MEAN BUSINESS this year! So there has been a lot of weeding, a lot of cleaning up and a lot of pruning going on. 

And family is now a priority, so more time with my parents and Nonna is open for babysitting business!

Lunch date with my Mom and Sister!

Soren discovering Mozzarella Sticks!

I love the extra time to read, volunteer or coffee dates with friends and not having to do mundane chores after a full day’s work. 

I don’t quite feel like all the puzzle pieces are in place yet but isn’t that just like life? Looking for the missing pieces to complete the masterpiece?

So, I’m three weeks in. I want to use the gift of extra time afforded by retirement well. Any advice, suggestions and nuggets of wisdom - send my way!

Sunday, May 26, 2024


There a few things I’ve accomplished that, in my opinion, are amazing. Like I’m not really sure how I pulled it off, but I did. 

For example, 33 years ago today I gave birth. That’s amazing! In fact, it was the second time to accomplish this miraculous feat. 

The first time for my daughter was a long drawn out affair and the second, for Adrian was faster but very intense. I remember thinking if this is going to be as long as Randi’s birth, I’m not going to make it!  Giving birth took all my strength: body soul and spirit. 

In the early hours of a beautiful May morning 33 years ago today, Adrian arrived. He was a home birth and there were only a few around to witness this miracle including my husband, my Mom and my midwife. Occasionally our cat Dawson attempted to wander in. 

These two amazing feats created two amazing humans - one a teacher and one an engineer. They are both strong, compassionate and now raising children of their own with wisdom and faith. 

I could rattle off a numerous failures and mistakes but when it comes to accomplishments, I’m pretty proud of these two! 

Sunday, April 21, 2024


You find yourself at a crossroads; you can turn right, left, straight or maybe turn around and go back where you came from. What are you going to do?

Do you make the big move? Do you take that new job? Do you marry him/her? Do you stay or do you go now? 

I’m coming up to one of those life crossroads. In a few weeks I’m retiring and suddenly there are a lot of new options with a lot of decisions. Do I go right? Left? Straight? Turn around and head right back into the workforce? 

In Judges Chapter 6, a nervous young man named Gideon has been asked to lead the charge against the enemy. So he puts out a fleece and asks God to give him a sign: make the  fleece wet and the ground dry. No problem says God and the fleece wrings out enough water to fill a bowl but the ground is dry. Gideon, still needed to make sure he was going in the right direction. So he asks God the next night to make the fleece dry and the ground wet. Sign confirmed and Gideon gathers the men for war. 

There is nothing wrong with asking for some direction! The universe is sending out signs all the time. 

Daffodils blooming are a sure sign spring is on the way. Cardinals are often considered a sign from those who have died that all is well and they are still close by. 

But what about me? I’m looking for a sign about my future direction. I’m bouncing it off good friends and loved ones. I’m praying!

So the other day I’m driving around and lo and behold..some clear direction on what to do after retirement! A sign from heaven!

Message received!