Monday, October 14, 2019


Some Canadians love winter - some don't. Some love summer or spring; others meh...too hot, too buggy. But I don't know one Canadian that doesn't like Fall. Not one. We have all fallen under Fall's spell. 

What's not to love? There is breath taking beauty all around and even more so because we know how fleeting it is. 

Comfort food is definitely on my menu and I rev up the kitchen now that it's not too hot to turn on the oven!

I made a Moroccan stew the other day. Rich in red lentils, sweet potato, turmeric and tomato. 

Squash is hard to ignore at the market so I picked up an acorn squash and stuffed it with wild rice, ground sausage, mushrooms, cauliflower and red pepper.

Notice how these pics just look like Fall? All those oranges, reds, browns and yellows!

I've been working on putting the garden to bed and as a Farewell gift, a couple of my rosebushes bloomed.
I clipped these off to enjoy them in the house.

There's also lots of fun events to take in around here, one being Porchfest.

You can walk around the neighbourhood and check out musicians playing a wide variety of music from rock to blue grass. Some gracious porch providers also hand out food like popcorn and cookies - even beer! It's kinda like Halloween for grownups. 

And of course, you have to take in a local orchard. Campbell's is our favourite and we have been going there for the past 30 years or so.

Speaking of falling in love....

The Little Prince loved the wagon ride and surveyed all the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch before extending the sceptre to the chosen winner. The caramel apples and fritter were a hit too!

Autumn is with us for such a brief time, a fleeting beauty that dazzles you with her colours, leaves a cool caress on your cheek and disappears. We've all fallen for you Fall!